5th - Latin Quarter

The Sorbonne University is the cornerstone of this area,
which explains the origin of the neighbourhood’s name - the Latin Quarter.
During the Middle Ages, Latin was the language used in academia,
and as this was (and remains) the home to many universities and libraries, the name stuck.
Apart from the level of Latin used in this part of Paris, not much else has changed
as it is still popular among many young professionals and students.
Restaurants: Whilst the Latin quarter is inevitably not lacking in cafés and bistrots suited to a student (albeit Parisian student) budget, haute cuisine can still be found, for example in the Atelier Maître Albert,
run by Guy Savoy, or Le Pré de Verre.
Metro: Saint-Michel, Odéon, Maubert, Cardinal Lemoine, Cluny-La Sorbonne, Saint-Suplice.