7th- Eiffel / Ecole Militaire

Gustave Eiffel’s 324m high tower, initially constructed for the Paris Exposition Universelle in 1889,
has become the city’s best known landmark,
and is a popular attraction for every first time visitor to Paris.
It attracts over 7 million visitors every year, and the stunning views that the tower provides
makes the occasionally lengthy queues worth the wait.
Nestled in the shadow of the tower itself is the stunning 18th century École Militaire,
constructed by Louis XV and still used for military training exercises today.
Restaurants: Whilst the Eiffel Tower itself offers restaurant options
ranging from buffet stalls to a champagne bar,
if you make the effort to venture slightly further afield
it isn’t impossible to find smaller, less touristy restaurants in which to take respite during sight-seeing sessions.
Métro: École Militaire, Ségur, Saint-François-Xavier, Cambrone, La Motte-Piquet-Grenelle, Dupleix, Beir-Hakeim